Tuesday, July 12, 2011

O'Connor Weekend...A Good Time Was Had By All

What a great weekend!  We left after work on Friday and headed to Knoxville!  The O'Connors were having a get together at Anne and Chads to welcome baby Torin (Bill and Brads new baby boy).  These weekends are always really quick but we enjoy them so much!  Friday when we got there all of the O'Connor siblings and spouses were having dinner at Ye Ole Steak House to thank Becca for all she does for everyone.  We stopped by there and then we went over to Nanaw's because Claire was babysitting and we wanted to surprise her and see Torin before Saturday when everyone wanted to see him!  After that, we headed back to Maggie's and just hung out with everybody.  Of course there were a few games of skip-bo played and unfortunately I did not win any that night...  The next day we got up and Hillary and I went for a run and with the hills in East Tennessee we got a good workout because contrary to what we were told, there were no flat roads!  A few other people went to play tennis and then we all got ready to go to Anne's.  Austin was there Friday night and Saturday and that was good because we had spent a lot of time with him before then!  We all headed to Anne's where I used Josh's iphone to get us there and learned that "If you don't have an iphone, then you DON"T have an iphone"!  Great time at Anne's!!

They have the perfect house for an O'Connor function...7 bedrooms, I think, 2 more rooms that could be bedrooms, 2 kitchens, 2 decks, swimming pool and backyard for us to play games.  Hillary, Jake, Austin and I played bocci ball and they killed me!  Hillary won by quite a bit and I am going to have to defend my honor next time...it was pretty pathetic!  haha  After we hung out at Anne's most of the day and everyone passed around baby Torin! 

 Then, we headed back to Maggie and Greg's.  The most memorable part of that night was watching Charlie St. Cloud...really had high hopes for that movie but have to say it was, as Eileen described it, too "hokey" for us.  But atleast Zac Efron was in it!  Poor Chris watched it with us and that really surprised me because normally I am forced to change those type of movies!  Sunday we hung by the pool all day and Hillary and I read our Janet Evanovich books!!  She's on #3 so she still has a lot of good times ahead!  The Canfields, Brad and Bill, Terri and Tim and Greg's parents came over for Greg's 50th birthday!  They grilled out, ate cake and ice cream and then it was time for us to head home.  Great weekend but too short...

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